The future of online shopping: predictions and trends

The future of online shopping: Predictions and Trends


The future of online shopping is here, and it’s no longer just about buying goods. Now, consumers are looking for a full experience, which includes videos and reviews from experts all in one place. In this article, we’ll explore the latest trends from across the globe and reveal what you need to know about ecommerce today!

Online shopping is on the rise

Online shopping is on the rise. The number of online shoppers is growing, as more and more people are turning to the internet for their purchases. While this trend is nothing new, it’s growing even faster than ever before. Online sales have increased by over 11% since last year and will likely continue to grow in popularity as time goes on.

More people are using smartphones to shop online

With their portability, cameras, and ease of use, smartphones are the preferred device for online shopping. With a computer you need to find the right webpage, navigate it and then browse through your options. On a smartphone, you can just go to an app store like Google Play or App Store and download an app that’s already optimized for your device.

If you’re looking for something specific (and don’t feel like typing), Siri can help you search by voice command—no hands needed! Plus most smartphones have more battery life than laptops so they won’t die mid-purchase either.

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Manufacturers want to reduce the number of intermediary steps between their product and the consumer

You may not consider yourself an intermediary, but in the eyes of a manufacturer, you are. In fact, there are many steps between a product and a consumer: manufacturers need to find out what consumers want; they need to develop the product; then they have to get it onto shelves and into stores.

Once a product is in stores, more intermediaries come into play—retailers who sell products for profit and marketers who buy products from retailers so that they can sell them directly to consumers online. These intermediaries are natural barriers that prevent people from getting their hands on products as quickly as possible. Manufacturers want to reduce these barriers by cutting out as many middlemen as possible up until the last step before reaching customers’ homes or places of business (in other words, by making sure that companies like Amazon aren’t making money off of them).

The Japanese are lightyears ahead of the US in terms of how we view ecommerce

The Japanese are lightyears ahead of the US in terms of how we view ecommerce. In Japan, consumer behavior is very different because of a few key cultural differences:

  • Consumers are more open to buying products online than Americans. This is likely due to a combination of factors like having more disposable income and technology penetration rates being higher in Japan than they are here in the States. Many people I spoke with said their family members were very supportive of their business ventures, even if it meant not working for someone else’s company anymore or quitting school early (which was practically unheard-of).
  • Consumers are more comfortable with online shopping than Americans. There isn’t much stigma associated with buying something online; instead, it’s often seen as an efficient way to get what you need quickly without having to go anywhere or interact directly with anyone else!
  • Consumers will buy from brands they don’t know as long as they’re getting good reviews from other customers who’ve bought from them before (and thus aren’t afraid there might be any problems after receiving your own order).
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Influencers have a huge impact on consumers buying habits

Social media has become a growing influence in buying habits. Consumers are trusting influencers and their followers more than traditional marketing. When it comes to shopping, consumers look to social media as an opportunity to find out what’s trending and what they should buy next.

Influencers have a huge impact on consumer buying habits

According to the IAB, almost half of all consumers (48%) say they have been influenced by an ad or post on social media when making a purchase decision. In fact, this number is up 11% from last year’s study! The same study shows that 80% of millennials are influenced by brands on social media – 62% for Gen Zers aged 18-24 years old; 59% for 25-34 year olds; 54% for 35-44 year olds; 48% for 45-54 year olds; and 39% for 55+.

Eventually, mobile devices will replace laptops for online shopping

As of yet, mobile devices have not replaced laptops for online shopping. While they may eventually do so, there are some challenges to this. For example, smartphones and tablets can be difficult to use for regular tasks; a laptop is better suited to browsing websites because it has more screen real estate and more powerful hardware than a smartphone or tablet.

Additionally, while mobile devices are growing in popularity as they become more powerful and easier to use, they still lack many of the features found on laptops (like multitasking). This means that if you want to email someone while looking at your favorite shoe store’s website on your phone’s browser—which we all know is hard enough already—you’re going to have a tough time doing so!

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Ecommerce is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to date with changes consumers prefer

The eCommerce market is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the changes consumers prefer.

According to statistics from Statista, the global eCommerce market will reach $2.6 trillion by 2021—and it’s one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With this kind of growth rate, it’s no wonder we’re seeing such an influx of new technology! In order for businesses to succeed in this highly competitive sphere, they must learn what their customers want and how they like doing business online. The popularity of mobile shopping has grown considerably over recent years; according to a study conducted by Adyen, 65% of total retail sales worldwide were made via mobile devices during Q2 2016 alone (a substantial increase from 59% just six months prior).


As you can see, there are many ways that ecommerce is evolving. For example, influencers have a huge impact on consumers’ buying habits, and they use their social media channels to promote products they like. In addition to this, more people are using their smartphones to shop online because it’s convenient and easy (which we all know). Also, manufacturers want to reduce the number of intermediary steps between their product and the consumer; this means less middlemen involved with each transaction!

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