Some Strategies to overcome Homesickness

Some Strategies to overcome Homesickness


Homesickness is a common feeling for students who are away from home. It can be hard to adjust to a new school and make friends when you miss your old ones back home. But don’t worry! There are many things you can do to help yourself feel less homesick or stop feeling homesick altogether. Here are some strategies that have worked well for me and other people I know!

Stay busy.

If you’re homesick, it’s normal to feel a bit lost and confused. But there are ways to make yourself feel better!

Stay busy by doing things that interest you. There are probably a lot of things in your life that don’t interest or excite you right now. You can try out new hobbies, take up an activity like knitting or playing guitar (if those seem too difficult), or find something else fun and exciting that interests the whole family!

Stay busy by doing things you are good at. If one member of the family doesn’t have any talents or skills but another does, then it might be time for them to step up into leadership roles for their household—without forcing anyone into roles they aren’t comfortable with yet! This could mean taking over cooking duties from mom so dad can focus on work instead…or vice versa…or even switching off who buys groceries from each other every week so everyone gets equal access without any stress whatsoever 🙂

Stay in touch with loved ones

Call home as often as possible.

Write a letter or make an audio or video recording of yourself to send home.

Use email to stay in touch with loved ones and let them know how you’re doing while you’re away.

Skype with them when it’s convenient, if they have time to spare during their busy schedules (or yours). Some people even use social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp to speak face-to-face instead of going through phone lines!

Use apps such as Skype or Viber so that friends don’t have access only when they’re sitting at computers; this allows anyone who wants one night stands with strangers anywhere around the world without having any issues communicating properly even though both parties may not know each other yet but still want some fun anyway….etc…

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Know it’s OK to feel homesick

It’s OK to feel homesick. You’re not alone and neither are you: millions of people have experienced this feeling, whether it be on a personal or professional level. The first time I felt homesick while traveling abroad was when I was 15 years old and visiting France as an exchange student. My host family had given me some money when I arrived at their home, but nothing more than that; there were no luxuries in their life other than food (which wasn’t much). They lived off their savings from working jobs in town during the day and cooking dinner each night after school ended for those who didn’t have school during winter break! It was tough being away from my friends back home, but once again: it happens!

Re-examine your expectations

If you’re feeling homesick, it’s important to recognize that your expectations may not be realistic. You might expect more than what is realistic for a week or two in a new city.

Talk with your parents about how they’re handling their own problems related to being far away from their children (for example, whether or not they have friends who live near them). This could help reduce some of the isolation experienced by parents whose children go off on a trip alone for several weeks at a time.

Stay positive

Stay positive. It’s hard to stay positive when you’re homesick, but it’s important to keep your head up and remember that this is just a small part of your life. You’re not alone in feeling homesick or sad—and there are plenty of other people who also feel these emotions from time to time!

Don’t dwell on the past. If you dwell on what happened when you were last home or how much better things were back then (or worse), it will make everything seem even more distant and overwhelming than they already are. Instead, focus on what is happening now: What do I need? Where can I get help? How can I get out of bed today without wanting to lie down again right away?

Ask for help if necessary! Sometimes being away from home feels like more work than staying there would’ve been—and sometimes having someone else help out without expecting anything in return makes all the difference possible #caseinpoint

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Focus on the good things about being away from home

The first step to overcoming homesickness is to focus on the good things about being away from home. You may be tempted to dwell on all of the negative aspects of your situation, but that’s not going to help you feel better. Instead of focusing on what you miss at home (like family and friends), focus on everything else: new people and experiences that have come into your life because of this experience!

Think about what you’re learning and experiencing

When you’re feeling homesick, it can be hard to think about anything other than what you’re missing. But if your mind is focused on the things that are going right at school, then chances are that your feelings of homesickness will go away.

When I was studying abroad in China, I found myself getting very upset when my friends back home began posting photos of their new lives with captions like “I’m so proud of you.” It made me feel like they were saying they weren’t proud enough of me—like they didn’t know how much I had accomplished or how much good work I was doing. But when we started talking about these issues together (and asking each other questions), we realized something important: The reason why these pictures made us unhappy wasn’t because there were no photos out there showing them enjoying themselves; rather, it was because we had failed to look at our own lives through that lens as well!

Embrace the new

Embrace the new. Try new things, meet new people, and make new friends.

Be prepared for rejection. You may be rejected by some people at first because they don’t understand what you’re going through or how your life has changed since you left home. It’s important to be friendly and approachable when meeting people you’ve never met before—you will be more likely to make connections if they feel like they can talk with someone who is not just another tourist in their town!

Be prepared for those who don’t like you at first (or ever). This happens sometimes; even if someone openly says something negative about another person’s appearance or behavior in front of me during an interaction between us (even if there was no malice behind it), I still felt hurt because my friend/family member hadn’t given me any warning beforehand that he didn’t like me–and this made sense considering his tone towards our conversation earlier on when explaining why he did what he did next time around when visiting again later in life after graduating college…

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Overcome it by befriending others who are similar to you or enjoy similar activities

Homesickness is normal, and you can overcome it by befriending others who are similar to you or enjoy similar activities.


“It’s not true at all that most people are afraid to admit that they are homesick, or have ever been.”

“I’m home sick and misunderstood,” read the post-it note I found on my desk after I got back from a vacation in India last year. It was clearly one of a series of missives written by an Indian living abroad, and it was quite heartfelt. After all, I can’t imagine living anywhere else — even if just for a year or two. But sometimes life calls for making tough decisions about the path you take. So this fellow had chosen to leave his family behind and make sure he could keep his job in Qatar no matter what the cost. He’d paid it with one long sleepless night spent staring at the ceiling of his apartment (and suffering from insomnia) and then another day spent feeling like he was walking on eggshells as an employee who had opted to spend six months away from home instead of perhaps staying for another year or two in order to try to find a better job. He’d struggled with missing friends, family and even chappatis– so much so that he had gone out and bought some frozen slices (only to discover they were only slightly less stale than those fresh ones you buy at And now here was his sad little post-it note acknowledging what is perhaps one of the most difficult things you can do when you’re away: admitting that you’re homesick.

There are plenty of theories on why we’re so leery of admitting our homesickness. Some say it’s because we don’t want others to think we have too much time on our hands (but really…isn’t that why we travel?) Others say it’s because admitting homesickness is humiliating enough without worrying about whether anyone will believe us when we say “sorry but I’m just not ready to go home

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