The Similarities Between Shopping Online & in the Mall

The Similarities Between Shopping Online & in the Mall

online shopping is convenient. With millions of products available at your fingertips and just a few clicks away, it’s easy to find exactly what you want when you want it. But convenience isn’t the only benefit to shopping online—there are many other reasons why so many people choose to buy things from their computer rather than in person.

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What is keyword research? And using it effectively for Content Marketing

What is Keyword Research: Using it effectively for Content Marketing

Keyword research is the process of finding and selecting keywords for advertising. It’s the first step in any search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

Keyword research can be performed with free online tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest, but it’s often best to use specialized software such as Long Tail Platinum or SEMRush to make sure that you’re getting accurate results.

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Optimizing the Customer Experience Before and During Shipping Delays

Optimizing the Customer Experience Before and During Shipping Delays

Ultimately, there’s no way to avoid shipping delays, and a brand’s best approach is to focus on how to communicate with customers during these times. In addition to being timely and personalized, brands must engage customers on a daily basis, before the delay occurs, and continuously throughout the duration. To do so, start building relationships on social media and text messaging, and engage with your customers on other channels as well.

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