Before the Internet existed, the computer network known as the ARPANET was an experimental project. This network was a single global network that allowed users to share files. It also provided funding for computer development. Here’s a brief history of the ARPANET and the start of the internet
ARPANET was a global network
The first computer to communicate using the Internet was developed in 1963 by J.C.R. Licklider while working for the United States Department of Defense. The network consisted of four computers located in three different locations: Stanford Research Institute, the University of Utah, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Licklider’s memo described the first fully readable message sent by a computer on ARPANET.
The ARPANET network quickly grew, connecting many governments and university computers. It was declared operational in 1975. This network would be used to experiment with different communication technologies, and computers in other countries would be added through satellite links. Once ARPANET became a popular global network, packet-based networks emerged. But these networks didn’t share the same common language and communication protocols. In order to facilitate communication between different networks, TCP/IP was created.

The ARPANET is often thought of as the forerunner to the Internet. Developed by the US Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the ARPANET was the first fully operational packet-switching network. It enabled scientists to communicate by sending and receiving electronic messages using computers across campus. It was a big step forward for communication, especially for the scientific community, because it provided a more efficient and flexible network.
ARPANET was a single network
At the beginning of the Internet, there was no such thing as the World Wide Web. The concept was still in its early stages and was only known to a small group of researchers. The first computer networks were established in the 1960s by researchers working for the US government. These computers were large and immobile, and users had to visit the sites of those computers to share data. These systems were also largely manual, as users had to send magnetic computer tapes through the postal system to transfer data.
The very first network was called the ARPANET. In 1969, the Pentagon-funded a research project named “Arpanet” that was supposed to survive a nuclear attack. It was not designed to be a global communications network, however. The concept of Internet protocols and the World Wide Web evolved from this project, and today the Internet is the most widely used means of accessing information online.
The first computer to communicate using the Internet was developed in 1963 by J.C.R. Licklider while working for the United States Department of Defense
In the mid-eighties, ARPANET was widely used by researchers and developers. Soon after, it was picked up by other networks. Around 1990, one LAN branched off into another, competing for a network, called NSFnet, which connected five national supercomputer centers and every major university in the U.S. The NSFnet replaced the ARPANET, which was slow, and formed the backbone of today’s Internet.
ARPANET allowed people to share files
In 1976, Will Crowther created an “Adventure” game to communicate with his kids and friends. The game quickly spread across the ARPANET network and changed the way people communicated with each other. The development of the network paved the way for the emergence of emoticons. But how did ARPANET achieve its success? Here are some of its most important developments. To understand how it functions, let’s look at the history of this early social network.

The Internet evolved out of the ARPANET. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was the agency responsible for creating the Internet. The network began with a concept published in 1967, and soon, it was used to connect four university computers. When the network was first developed, it was only open to research facilities and academics with contracts from the Defense Department. Once the network was launched, other networks were created to facilitate information sharing.
The first node of the ARPANET was set up at the UCLA Network Measurement Center. There, BBN installed the first IMP (Integrating Memory Processors). The first host computer was connected to the network in September 1969. The network was supported by the Augmentation of Human Intellect (AHI) project, led by computer scientist Doug Engelbart. The Stanford Research Institute provided the second node, and a team headed by Elizabeth Feinler helped develop and maintain a directory of RFCs.
ARPANET was a source of funding for computer development
The ARPANET was an early computer network. It was built to facilitate the work of researchers funded by ARPA. Computer networks were extremely costly to build, but they did make work easier. ARPA sought to reduce costs by facilitating the work of researchers through computer networks. Its goal was to create a more efficient way of using the money to develop computers. But what was the best way to set up a computer network?
The development of the ARPANET lasted over a decade. It was spurred by concerns about Soviet jet bombers. The development of the SAGE program – a computer network for combating Soviet jet bombers – was also funded by the NSF. The system used computers to track enemy aircraft and coordinate military responses. It included 23 “direction centers” where computer systems were able to distinguish between enemy bombers and friendly aircraft. SAGE cost $61 billion to develop.
The first packet-switching network was developed in the early 1980s. Leonard Kleinrock used his computer at UCLA to send a message to another computer at Stanford. He tried to type in the word ‘login’ and saw the letters ‘L’ and ‘O’ appear on the Stanford monitor. As more academic facilities connected, the network began to take on a tentacle-like structure. The Internet still retains this tentacle-like structure, although it is much larger than ARPANET.
ARPANET was a forerunner to the modern internet
The earliest version of the Internet was called the ARPANET and was created in 1969 by the U.S. Department of Defense. Designed to provide military and academic researchers with a communications system, ARPANET was the first packet-switching network to implement the TCP/IP protocol, which makes data flow more reliable and fault-tolerant. Before ARPANET, existing telephone networks were not fault-tolerant, so this was a key feature of its design. Another major goal of ARPANET was to facilitate the sharing of computer resources. In the 1960s, computers were much less common and not everyone had access to the same horsepower and processing power.
While the first versions of the ARPANET were largely unsuccessful, the technology they enabled are still widely used today. Thanks to government funding, thousands of such networks have been built and used regularly. Today, the internet consists of countless government-funded secure networks and other communications networks. There are many other examples of these networks in use around the world. Listed below are the four most famous ones.
Originally, the computer networks were based on a “star” topology, relying on a central computer to manage communications. Each machine was connected to the central computer, which was the focal point of the “star”. The danger was that if one machine was knocked out, the entire network would be ruined. Eventually, the ARPANET became known as the Darpanet, and in 1983, the Internet was born.
ARPANET was a time-sharing network
The idea of creating a time-sharing network was revolutionary at the time, and the earliest experiments involved connecting computer systems. Back then, computers were not interconnected or interactive. People gave jobs to computers and came back to see the results. Bob Taylor, director of the ARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office, helped to create the first packet-switching network. Later, other networks were created to make it easier for users to share information.

The original idea behind ARPANET was to allow people from different locations to use each other’s computers. But, the concept never caught on, largely because of the difficulties of using another person’s computer. In the early days, computer operating systems were incompatible, making it difficult to use another person’s machine. However, when mini-computers became widespread, the economics of time-sharing changed dramatically. But even while the ARPANET was not successful, it did make some important advances and eventually helped create the first Internet. It also led to the development of email and packet switching implementation.
The first time-sharing systems were small, isolated communities that were restricted to the capabilities of the host computers. These timesharing systems would eventually expand to link multiple host computers and archipelagos. In fact, the network would eventually be so large that it connected locations in Hawaii, Norway, and the United Kingdom. However, the network needed rules to manage data packets. To solve this problem, computer scientists Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf invented the TCP/IP protocol.
Before the Internet, it was the ARPANET that had the most significant impact on the development of the Internet. In the first few decades after its development, the network offered immense benefits to its users and affiliated universities. The service enabled users to download and execute programs from distant computers. In the early days, the computing power of most computers was much lower than that of today, but it allowed scientists to collaborate more effectively and as time went on, the Internet grew exponentially, becoming the foundation of today’s global information highway.