Illustration of a person writing on a piece of paper with keywords related to content marketing such as 'blog', 'ideas', 'research', and 'content marketing'

The Art and Science of Content Marketing: Best Practices for Driving Traffic and Conversions

Content marketing is both an art and a science. It involves creating valuable and relevant content to attract and retain an audience, with the ultimate goal of converting them into customers. By developing a content strategy, understanding your target audience, utilizing brand storytelling, being creative, and leveraging the latest marketing techniques and technologies, businesses can drive traffic and increase conversions.

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What is keyword research? And using it effectively for Content Marketing

What is Keyword Research: Using it effectively for Content Marketing

Keyword research is the process of finding and selecting keywords for advertising. It’s the first step in any search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

Keyword research can be performed with free online tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest, but it’s often best to use specialized software such as Long Tail Platinum or SEMRush to make sure that you’re getting accurate results.

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