Estimated read time 4 min read

Health benefits of using Tamarind in your Diet

Tamarind is a fruit from the tamarind tree. It’s highly nutritious and is used to treat inflammation and digestive disorders, as well as in some commercial beauty products. Tamarind contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid

Estimated read time 13 min read
Featured Tech

What is Domain Hijacking? And How to Avoid It!

Domain hijacking is when a domain name is stolen from the rightful owner. It can happen to anyone, but it’s more common with smaller websites that don’t have as much protection in place.

Estimated read time 8 min read
eCommerce Featured

Some Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know

Content marketing is becoming a popular investment for marketers. In fact, marketers spend over 30% of their budget on content marketing.
And while this may seem like a lot at first glance..

Estimated read time 6 min read

Strategies for effectively communicating with Upper Management

Determine the most effective way to communicate in each situation. In some cases it’s best to send an email; in others you might want to sit down with your manager over coffee or..

Estimated read time 9 min read

Some Strategies to overcome Homesickness

If you’re homesick, it’s normal to feel a bit lost and confused. But there are ways to make yourself feel better!
Stay busy by doing things that interest you. There are probably..

Estimated read time 5 min read

How to Become a Successful Retail Operations Manager: A Guide to Running Multiple Stores

This guide will walk through the steps of becoming a successful retail operations manager: what it takes to run multiple stores and how to manage employees, inventory and customers. It’s all about having..